Spivey Pope Green LLC Attorneys at Law

478.254.8866[email protected]

Affordable Housing Community Rehabilitation

Spivey, Pope, Green and Greer, LLC, in connection with the Macon Housing Authority and In-Fill Housing, Inc., announces the closing upon the acquisition and finance of a 64-unit senior and special needs affordable housing community in Blackshear, Georgia. In-Fill Housing intends to use state and federal low income housing tax credits and a construction loan from Branch Banking and Trust Company to rehabilitate this housing which benefits a very needy population of residents.

Spivey, Pope, Green & Greer, LLC has closed more than $170 million in low income housing tax credit transactions and federal HOME loans for multi-family and elderly communities since 2002. In assisting with these transactions, the Firm has represented housing authorities, non-profit developers, and for profit developers, including joint ventures between for-profit and non-profit developers.