Areas of Practice > Employment and Human Resources

It is a nearly impossible task for Georgia businesses to stay abreast of constantly-changing federal, state and local employment laws. Employment matters such as terminations can be difficult, and costly if not handled correctly.
At SPG, our attorneys specialize in consulting, providing legal advice, and training on all aspects of employment and human resources law. Our experts can help ensure compliance with federal and state laws to prevent future problems. We specialize in all employment law topics, including benefits, termination and hiring issues, FMLA, recordkeeping, and dealing with regulatory agencies such as the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the Department of Labor.
SPG can help not only with immediate employment issues, we provide preventative measures that can head off costly litigation on employment issues, such as properly-crafted employee handbooks and employment agreements. These proactive measures can help you develop and implement sound personnel policies and practices to reduce the risk of costly lawsuits by employees.
We also have experts on staff who can provide in-house training on specific HR topics to help keep you up to date with current laws and regulations. We work with employers to ensure business owners and managers fully understand their rights and obligations under the various federal, state and local employment laws.
SPG can help your business with:
- Employee terminations and exit interviews
- Discrimination/harassment issues
- Review of personnel policies
- Planning & implementation of recordkeeping procedures
- Wage and hour compliance reviews
- Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) matters