Community Involvement

Because we live here.
This is the simple reason that we foster a culture of service and efforts to make a meaningful impact on our community. We are not faceless automatons in a big-city law firm – we are parents, church members and neighbors. You’ll find us at PTA meetings, Sunday School classes and little league games. We live here – and we know the only way to help make positive changes is to get involved.
At Spivey Pope Green we believe involvement means more than pulling out a checkbook. That’s why in addition to financial support, you will find our staff directly involved in supporting our community; among our attorneys are Civic Club chairmen and board members of the local chapter of the Salvation Army, the Ronald McDonald House of Central Georgia and the Medcen Community Health Foundation.
We practice law to make our community a better place. It’s our belief that commitment to community does not end when the briefcase is closed at the end of the day.
Following is a list of organizations supported by SPG. We encourage you to support the local organizations of your choice.